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Top Most Question Asked

Writer: Ellie A.Ellie A.

The question I get asked the most is - have you written another book lately.

The answer quite simply (not) is Yes, No, Maybe!

and here is an example of why......

Since the beginning of April - which is when Covid-19 first affected me I, I have written the following;

Current YA novel -

Magnort - 4000words

For Competitions -

Magnort Script (10,000wrds) - as above

Dr Van de Loof and the Mystery of the Missing Bride - 1000wrds

Five - 500wrds

For specific Markets (magazine, ezine & anthologies) -

The Leary's - 550wrds

Ferryman - 850wrds - published in Scary Snippets Family Edition

Games Day - 410wrds - published in Scary Snippets Siblings Edition

Sabriel & the Herbalist - 2500wds

Dirty Deeds Equal One Giant Problem - 42wrds

Trinket - 4500wrds

Dreamcatcher - 3000wrds

Big Blow - Cards Dealt by a Different Hand - 42wrds

Magnort (short) - Accepted for Publishing in August 518 Publishing


Vanishing Dragon - 469 words Picture Book

Miscellaneous -

Sabriel & the Herbalist (full length) - 5750wrds

The Glassmaker & His Dim-witted Daughter - 2500wrds

Ghost Terror - 660wrds

Flight 291 - 1050wrds

Two Secrets to Keep - 1000wrds

I Gave You - 82wrds

A wonderful total of - 28905 words

Poems 1.

Flash Fiction 10.

Short Story 4

Manuscript - 20%




 Wishing One and All a Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season

© 2018 by Elisha Goss. Created with

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