
Some things haven't changed - children's imaginations are full of possibilities- but in this story you will see how the 21st century entwines when one little girl goes in search of a spell. Not any spell, but one that will turn her into a Mermaid!
Available from Austin Macauley, Not Just Books, Booktopia, Amazon and other online outlets.
As always if you would like a personalised copy please use the contact form.
And don't forget - leave a review, wherever they are found.
A Touch Eldritch
The first book release of pen Elias A.G, a spook and horror book for teenagers wanting something a little scary, a little weird, a little gross and A Touch Eldritch., preview on - Here.

The Bunyip's Bath
"The Bunyip made his way to the lake that night under the cover of stars, so noisy that he woke anyone trying to sleep. With a giant splash, he jumped in and started to swim to the middle of the lake, not knowing what was about to happen."
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A children's picture book inspired by the Cradle Mountain/Lake St Clair National Park, Dove Lake walk. It makes for a wonderful memento or simply enjoy the folklore creation story that blends fact and fiction while engaging concepts for sharing with children.
The book is available in paperback or as an ebook, please see online book retailers; The Book Depository, Booktopia, Amazon or Xlibris for ebooks.
In store; Waratah Museum, Strahan Visitor Centre, The West-Coast Heritage Centre, Western Tiers Visitor Centre, Cradle Mt Visitor Centre & Petrarch's Bookshop @ various prices.
The book is available to purchase directly $20.00 inc P&H inside Aus. $28 International including P&H costs.

Single Leaf Maiden
Do you steal a moment to walk through Autumn leaves? Perhaps you take walks with children that must have a leaf from the tree rather than any of those lying about. From these days did the story of the Single Leaf Maiden emerge.
Join Renay on her fairy tale journey in the neighbouring forest.
Available in paperback and ebook only at Amazon on via Shop tab.
Note to Self
Having one of those days, months or even the year - nearly everyone does. When it is harder to get up in the morning, where there should be joy there is a heavy heart.
This series has been developed for you, your friend, collegue or family member who just might need a reminder that the sun will shine again, that they are worth it and to keep on keeping on - reach out when or if you need to.

Series editions -
Note to Self Bold
Note to Self Casual
Note to Self Vintage - Re