2020 was a huge year in so many ways for many people. It held first of a kind events, circumstances that meant living in new ways and time for reflection and planning.
For me personally it meant a huge chunk of time at home, absent from my day job and captured inside for much of that time. Which means not a huge change but it also allowed for some wonderful successes as I rode the less than ideal outcomes boat for other events (like the cancellations of all the promo events, book signings etc).
During 2020
I released 2 books; Mermaid Spell (4-8 years) A Touch Eldritch (13+)
Published in 3 anthologies; Scary Snippets- Family & Siblings Editions & 518 Publishing Company.
2 micro flash fiction pieces selected for publication in; 42 Short Stories Anthology and
1 competition win (4 winners selected) in Enchanted Conversations published
I also submitted a mammoth 80 plus stories of various genres and lengths to various markets, including those above with about a 10% success rate to date.
Moving on I have more books in the works including fairy tale collections, my first Middle Years novel and a 2nd book in the Eldritch Tales series.
Look Out 2021!!!